The global organ shortage is a silent crisis, claiming thousands of lives each year. Patients languish on waitlists, their hopes dwindling with each passing day as their bodies deteriorate. The numbers are grim: in the United States alone, over 100,000 people are waiting for a life-saving transplant. The kidney is the organ in highest demand, with over 90,000 people waiting. Globally, the World Health Organization estimates that only 10% of organ transplant needs are met. The current system is reliant on voluntary donors, and it’s simply not enough.

But what if we could manufacture organs on demand, tailored to each patient’s specific needs? This may sound like science fiction, but the emerging field of 3D bioprinting is bringing us closer to this reality. With advanced 3D bioprinters, scientists are now able to create functional organs in the lab. This technology holds the promise of ending transplant waitlists forever. Not only will it save lives, but some estimate the organ transplant market to reach $90.5 billion by 2031. This is a sizable carrot that’s driving innovation from both private and public companies.

How Does 3D Bioprinting Work?

3D bioprinting is a fascinating process that combines principles of 3D printing with the use of living cells and biomaterials to create complex, three-dimensional structures like tissues and organs. Here’s a simplified breakdown of how it works:

Step 1. Bioink Preparation

The process begins with creating a “bioink,” a special type of ink made from living cells, growth factors, and biomaterials. The cells can be sourced from the patient (autologous), a donor (allogeneic), or even stem cells, which have the ability to differentiate into various cell types. The biomaterials provide structural support and mimic the extracellular matrix, the natural scaffolding that surrounds cells in the body.

Step 2. 3D Model Creation

Next, a detailed 3D model of the desired tissue or organ is created using medical imaging techniques like CT scans or MRI scans. This model serves as the blueprint for the bioprinting process.

Step 3. Bioprinting

The bioprinter uses a computer-controlled nozzle or printhead to deposit the bioink layer by layer, following the 3D model. The printing process can be customized to create specific shapes, patterns, and structures within the tissue. Some bioprinters use laser-assisted bioprinting (LAB) or extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB) to precisely place the bioink.

Step 4. Maturation and Incubation

After printing, the bioprinted structure is placed in a bioreactor, a controlled environment that mimics the conditions of the human body. Here, the cells within the bioink interact with each other and their surroundings, forming new connections and maturing into a functional tissue.

Step 5. Vascularization (for complex organs)

For larger, more complex organs, additional steps are required to ensure proper blood vessel formation. This process, called vascularization, can be achieved by incorporating endothelial cells (which form blood vessels) into the bioink or by creating channels within the printed structure for blood vessels to grow.

Step 6. Transplantation (potential future)

Once the bioprinted tissue or organ has matured and is deemed safe and functional, it could potentially be transplanted into a patient. This is the ultimate goal of 3D bioprinting, but it’s still an area of active research and development.

Bioprinting a construct in a petri dish. Credit: Philip Ezze

Benefits of 3D Bioprinted Organs

Regular 3D printing uses plastics or metals to create objects layer by layer. But bioprinting uses a special “bioink” made of living cells and materials that mimic the body’s natural cell support system. This bioink is carefully layered, following a blueprint from medical imaging, to build complex 3D structures that mirror real human organs.

These have many practical benefits, the first being reducing rejection rates. Currently, there are primarily two forms of organ rejection.

Acute Rejection: This type of rejection occurs within the first few weeks or months after transplantation. It’s the body’s initial immune response to the foreign organ. While the rates have significantly decreased due to better immunosuppressive drugs, they still vary from kidneys (10-20%) to lungs (30-40%).

Chronic Rejection: This type of rejection develops gradually over months or years and is more difficult to treat. It’s caused by a long-term immune response that damages the transplanted organ. The rates for chronic rejection are higher, from kidneys (~50% after 5 years) to lungs (~80% after 5 years).

Since they can be made using the patient’s own cells, 3D bioprinted organs can theoretically have perfect tissue matching. This would not only greatly reduce the chance of rejection, but it would also improve long-term quality of life by reducing the reliance on drugs with potentially serious side effects. As another bonus, it would also reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Then there’s the volume benefit. 3D bioprinting could make an endless supply of organs, doing away with organ shortages and the painful wait for a transplant. Just imagine a world where a new heart, liver, or kidney is just a bioprint away. Aside from saving lives, this would also put a huge dent in the organ trafficking black market.

Stopping illegal organ trade is not the only ethical advantage. This would solve the moral or cultural concerns about using organs of deceased donors. It would also no longer require living donors, which could involve surgery complications and long-term health problems.

The Current State of 3D Bioprinting

While the concept of printing fully functional, life-sized organs is still on the horizon, the field of 3D bioprinting has seen remarkable progress in recent years.

Bioprinting Simple Tissues

Scientists have successfully bioprinted a variety of simple tissues:  

  • Skin: In 2019, researchers at the University of Toronto printed a functional skin graft that included hair follicles and sweat glands. This could revolutionize burn treatment and wound care.
  • Cartilage: Researchers at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine have printed ear, bone, and muscle structures. This shows promise for reconstructive surgery and tissue replacement.
  • Blood Vessels: Companies like Prellis Biologics are developing bioprinted capillary networks. These could be used to improve the vascularization of other bioprinted tissues and organs.

Organoids: Mini-Organs in a Dish

Organoids, or mini versions of complex organs, have emerged as powerful tools for research and drug development:

  • Mini-Brains: Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have created “mini-brains” that mimic the structure and electrical activity of the human brain. These organoids are being used to study brain development, neurological disorders, and potential treatments.
  • Kidney Organoids: Organovo, a biotech company, has developed 3D printed kidney tissues that model kidney function. These tissues are being used to test the toxicity of drugs and could potentially be used to develop new treatments for kidney disease.
  • Liver Organoids: Researchers at the University of Cambridge have created liver organoids that can mimic the liver’s metabolism and drug detoxification functions. These organoids could be used to test the safety and efficacy of new drugs before they are tested in humans.

Advances in Bioink Technology

Several companies and research institutions are leading the way in bioink innovation:

  • CELLINK: Leading provider of bioinks and bioprinters, offering a wide range of products. Their bioprinters cater to diverse needs, from entry-level research models to high-throughput systems for industrial applications.
  • Advanced BioMatrix: Specializes in bioinks derived from natural materials, such as collagen and hyaluronic acid. These are well-suited for creating tissues that mimic the natural environment of the human body.
  • Carnegie Mellon: CMU researchers are developing bioinks that can incorporate multiple types of cells. A single print could include both endothelial cells (which form blood vessels) and neurons (nerve cells), for example. This is a major step towards creating functional tissues and organs that mimic the complexity of the human body.

Vascularization Breakthroughs

Researchers have made significant progress in vascularizing bioprinted tissues:  

  • Rice University: Scientists here have developed a technique called “stereolithography apparatus for tissue engineering” (SLATE) that allows them to print complex vascular networks within hydrogel structures.
  • Harvard University: Researchers at the Wyss Institute have created a “microfluidic chip” that can be used to perfuse bioprinted tissues with nutrients and oxygen, simulating the environment of the human body.

This field is moving fast. Scientists are always coming up with new bioinks, better printing methods, and ways to make bioprinted tissues work better. As we keep learning and improving, we’re getting closer to the day when we can print fully working, transplantable organs whenever we need them.

Challenges and Obstacles to 3D Bioprinting

The potential of 3D bioprinted organs is huge, but the journey to clinical usage in patients is full of obstacles. Human organs are incredibly complex, with intricate networks of cells, blood vessels, and nerves. Recreating this in a lab isn’t easy. It demands not only cutting-edge printing techniques but also a deep understanding of how cells and molecules interact to make organs grow and work.

One big challenge is vascularization, or making sure the bioprinted organ has a working blood vessel network. These vessels are essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients, and without them, the organ can’t survive or function. Scientists are trying different ways to solve this, like adding special cells that line blood vessels to the bioink, or creating pathways in the printed organ where these cells can grow and form new vessels.

Another hurdle is ensuring that the bioprinted organs will work properly and last long-term inside the body. While scientists have been able to create tissues that function in the lab, it’s unclear if they’ll continue to work and integrate seamlessly into the recipient’s body over time. This requires thorough testing in animals and, eventually, in people.

Technical challenges aside, there are also ethical and regulatory concerns. Before we can use bioprinted organs in people, we’ll need to be absolutely sure they’re safe and effective. This means developing standard procedures for bioprinting, establishing quality control, and addressing potential risks like disease transmission or tumor growth.

The cost of developing and making bioprinted organs is another big issue. The initial investment required for research and development is immense. This includes funding for scientific research, technological advancements, clinical trials, and regulatory approval processes. Also, advanced bioprinters and bioinks are far from cheap.

However, while the upfront costs are high, the potential long-term savings are significant. Currently, organ failure places a massive financial burden on healthcare systems worldwide. The costs associated with dialysis, hospital stays, medications, and surgeries for complications can be exorbitant. For example, in the United States, the average cost of a kidney transplant is estimated to be over $400,000, and this doesn’t include the ongoing costs of immunosuppressive drugs and follow-up care.

The Future of 3D Bioprinting and Transplantation

The future of transplantation is on the brink of a major transformation, with 3D bioprinted organs leading the charge. While we still have some hurdles to overcome, the direction is clear: toward a future where organ failure is treatable, not fatal. We’re moving toward a world where transplant patients don’t have to anxiously wait and suffer while their health declines. Instead, they could get a new, personalized organ made from their own cells in just weeks, maybe even days.

But the benefits go way beyond individual patients. Hospitals could get rid of transplant waiting lists, freeing up resources for other important medical needs. The huge economic cost of organ failure, including dialysis, hospital stays, and lost work time, could be significantly reduced. This would make society as a whole healthier and more productive.

Bioprinted organs could also spark innovation in other areas of medicine. Researchers could use them to test new drugs and treatments, speeding up the development of cures for many diseases. They could also study how organs fail, leading to new ways to prevent and treat these problems early on.

This isn’t just about the future of transplantation—it’s about changing how we think about healthcare altogether. It’s about the paradigm shift from just reacting to diseases to actively preventing them. With 3D bioprinting, we have the chance to create a future where everyone has access to the organs they need to live long, healthy, and happy lives. This isn’t some far-off dream, but a real possibility within our reach.